1) Human Energy Fields
2) Healing Touch
3) Inert-Gas Therapy

Under energy-medicine viewpoints, we are primarily
beings of energy, which, in turn, determines our physical, biochemical,
and physiological nature. Energy fields surrounding and permeating our
physical body define much this energetic nature. As discussed by
neurophysiologist Dr. Valerie Hunt, sophisticated, state-of-the-art
technology can detect the lower-vibrational electromagnetic components
of these fields (Hunt VV. Infinite Mind: Science of the Human
Vibrations of Consciousness. Malibu (CA): Mailbu Publishing Co.,
1996). Interestingly, what is detected correlates well to what is
observed independently by sensitive intuitives.
Proponents believe the human energy field is
composed of at least seven consecutive layers of increasing vibrational
energy (Brennan BA. Hands of Light: A
Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field. New York, (NY):
Bantam Books, 1988). Intersecting the body and the energy field
are seven tornado-like energy vortexes called charkas in Eastern
traditions, which convert high vibrational energy into energy that the
body can assimilate.
Our energy network includes a power column in front
of the spinal cord, which receives energy from the chakras and transmits
it through the body. The more familiar acupuncture points and meridians
are further down our energetic pipeline, bringing downloaded energy to a
more specific organ level.
Imbalances or blockages in the energy network
predispose one to illness. Basically, disease has its origins in the
energy field, which then progressively manifest at the molecular,
cellular, and body-system levels.
The energy field responds to stimulus even though
one experiences no conscious awareness of the stimulus and before
changes are noted in physiological parameters such as brain waves, blood
pressure, etc. Based upon this presaging, technology can measure and
assess energy disturbances in the field long before the onset of
physical disease.
SCI greatly affects energy flow through the body
because of the cord’s proximity to the power column. Furthermore, after
injury, the energy received by the base and sacral chakras is
substantially reduced.
The effects of the injury are stored in the energy
field closest to the body, which contains the template or blueprint for
the physical body, duplicating every body cell and organ, including the
spinal cord. This energetic template is responsible for the growth,
development, and repair of the physical body. If this template is
distorted, its physical product, the body, will also be distorted in
some sense.
Because the physical body interacts with its higher
vibrational version, as an acute spinal cord injury evolves over time
into a chronic injury, the distorted physical will be imprinted onto the
higher-level, energetic template. This locks the injury more into place,
and, as a result, it becomes much more difficult for healing to take
place by exclusively focusing on the physical.
This represents a fundamental limitation in
physicality-focused, conventional medicine. It is like trying to push a
car in one direction when the steering wheel is cranked for another
direction. In contrast, energy workers attempt to minimize these
energetic barriers to physiological healing in SCI by mending the
field’s dysfunctional energy vectors. Because time tends to lock in an
injury within the energy field, the sooner the therapy is performed the
better. Finally, negative, injury-associated emotional memories are
stored within cellular energy fields. The body will heal more quickly
when this negative energy is removed. It is claimed pain and spasticity
are especially amenable to energy therapy.

Healing touch is defined as “an energy therapy in
which practitioners consciously use their hands in an in a
heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical,
emotional, mental, and spiritual health.” It’s often used with other
therapies to accelerate healing.
Techniques: Because the focus is the energy
field surrounding the patient, actual physical touching is often not
needed. The typical session is composed of several phases, including
centering, diagnostic, and energy modulation.
Initially, the healer will try to become
meditatively centered and go within. With such centering, the healer
connects to his or her greater intuitive self, which speaks to us in
whispers that rarely can be heard over life’s background cacophony. This
centering allows the healer to become more consciously sensitive to the
patient’s subtle energetic cues and to harmonize with the universal
healing resonance.
After centering, the healer assesses the patient’s
chakras and energy field (see discussion in previous section) with hand
scanning over the body or using assistive devices in way somewhat
comparable to a dowser. The healer searches out energetic imbalances,
evaluating energy flow, sensing how the energies feel – hot, cold,
tingling, congested, etc.
Finally, to help the patient regain energetic
homeostasis, the healer rebalances, clears, or modulates the patient’s
energy field using a variety of hand placements or movements, such as
the ones described below:

It is claimed that inert-gas therapy enhances
regeneration potential. Although it has been on the periphery of the
alternative-medicine community in various permutations for years, it
only recently gained more visibility, including being incorporated into
some physical-rehabilitation programs. Inert-gas therapy may provide the
regenerative energy needed to mend an injured spinal cord (Johnston L.
Alternative Medicine and Spinal Cord Injury: Beyond the Banks of the
Mainstream. Demos Medical Publishing, 2005).
Alternative Science: The scientific and
mind-body-spirit theory behind this regeneration-enhancing therapy is
thought-provoking and based on concepts far beyond traditional
Newtonian-based science (Cooke MB.
Einstein Doesn’t Work Here Anymore: A Treatise on the New Science.
Toronto, Canada: Marcus Books, 1983). For example, it is based
upon 1) the existence of a multidimensional, primary-energy source; 2)
the idea that we are fundamentally beings of energy, which determines
our physical and biochemical makeup; and 3) the assumption that our
consciousness, including our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and belief
systems, interacts with our energetic nature to create our physical
reality, including that associated with SCI.
Primary Energy: Inert-gas therapy is based
on a concept that space is something, not nothing as most scientists
believe. This something is called ether, which permeates all of our
three and also higher dimensional space. Through inter-dimensional
vortexes and gradients in this all-pervasive ether, a primary energy
ultimately becomes the source of all of our more familiar forces, such
as electromagnetism, gravity, and nuclear forces, and, as indicated by
Einstein’s E = mc2 equation, all mass that forms our physical
Although involving principles far beyond the scope
of this discussion, it is postulated that higher-dimensional etheric
energy is downloaded into more accessible and usable three-dimensional
energy through “primary points.”
Inert-Gas Elements: One source of these
powerful primary points is the nucleus of inert-gas elements, i.e.,
helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. Specifically, xenon is the
most important one for creating the raw fuel energy for building
regeneration potential in tissue, including potentially a traumatically
injured spinal cord. When the energy generated by these primary points
is accessed through the devices described below, the inert gases provide
the raw fuel that our consciousness can then direct to create its
physical manifestation.
In the periodic table, the inert gases are a unique
elemental family. Helium is the lightest with a molecular weight of
four, and xenon is the heaviest with a molecular weight of 131. All are
present in the air we breath, ranging from the abundant argon and rare
xenon at 7,600 and 0.036 parts per million, respectively. For
illustration purposes, the average person will breathe in about 82
liters of argon and 0.39 milliliters (a thousandth of a liter) of xenon
per day.
Compared to other elements, inert gases possess
additional energy that keeps them in a higher vibrational, more gaseous
state. Although higher molecular-weight elements tend to be liquids or
solids, xenon and krypton, with molecular weights greater than iron,
nickel, copper, and zinc, exist as gases. This requires them to be in a
higher vibrational state, which requires additional energy.
Helium also has properties that run counter to what
would be expected when compared to other elements. Specifically, helium
is difficult to freeze no matter how low the temperature is taken. Even
if virtually all the thermal energy is removed, helium somehow retains
sufficient vibrational energy that inhibits it from entering a solid
It is postulated that primary points located in the
nucleus of the inert-gas elements produce the energy that keeps the
heavier inert-gas elements in a gaseous state and keeps helium from
solidifying at very low temperatures.
To harness the energy produced by these inert-gas
primary points, devices have been constructed in which the inert-gas
mixture are electromagnetically stimulated. This stimulation pulls the
primary point away from its nucleus, which under normal conditions would
absorb the downloaded, primary-point energy. Because of this unshielding,
the energy is now released into the surrounding space and, hence,
available for healing purposes.
In one device, a magnetic field is applied to a
non-magnetic metal chamber containing a pressurized inert-gas mixture
(e.g., 25-times atmospheric pressure).
In another less powerful, but
more convenient device, the inert-gas mixture and a small magnet are
enclosed within an airtight, Pyrex-glass capsule (about 1 ½ by ¼ inch)
under relatively low pressure. These inert-gas pendants can be readily
placed at the point of injury, for example worn around the neck or held
close to some other body area.
Energy-Field Driven: Our higher vibrational
template of our genetic DNA (see discussion above), possesses the
informational patterns to create a complete and whole physical body,
including regenerating damaged components such as an injured spinal
cord. Basically, this regenerative potential can be manifested in the
physical if 1) sufficient etheric energy can be built up in our energy
fields and 2) pervasive negative belief systems (e.g., “you will never
walk again”) that prevent template encoded vibrational information from
being transferred into the physical are dismantled and replaced with
beliefs of healing and renewed wholeness.
Inert-gas devices, especially those containing
xenon, can help build up the etheric raw fuel needed for regeneration.
In itself, however, this etheric fuel is neutral. Like the amorphous
clay that is transformed into a work of art through the potter’s
consciousness, it is the directed consciousness of wholeness that will
create its physical manifestation. Hard-to-let-go negative believe
patterns, which hang around in the energy fields, will strongly filter
these potent, healing energies from reaching the physical.
Essentially, the supplemental etheric energy
facilitates the transference of the appropriate patterns held within the
higher vibrational template of our DNA into the physical structures. The
intervening material is the energy body. The inert-gas devices are
producing the specific raw material that the physical body will draw
upon that is most advantageous to the healing process.
The energy fields are using the etheric energy as a
means of communication that goes back and forth from non-physical
vibrational levels into the physical and back to the nonphysical. If a
sufficient excess of etheric energy is available and can be
appropriately directed, there is a spillover that will generally move
into the body’s weakest areas.
Visualization: To direct the non-specific,
inert-gas energy to where it is needed, visualization is required, e.g.,
focusing on where the spinal dislocation has occurred, the nerves need
to be mended, and the bone needs to be changed. A focus on the physical
anatomy will be more helpful for those with a logical mind orientation.
Those more intuitive should perceive this anatomy symbolically as a
landscape to be healed, as energy to be flowed into a large-sized
sculpture of the body. For most individuals, the translation from the
etheric to physical level will take at least six months. In other words,
if you meditate on seeing the body whole and healed, the additional
etheric energy may be more readily transmitted about six months down the
road into something physical.
Under human-energy-field theories, all attributes
of consciousness, such as your thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and
perceptions, are stored in your energy fields. It is important to
conceptually understand this because your belief systems determine
whether you can productively access and direct the inherently neutral,
inert-gas primary energy for healing purposes, including spinal cord
Inert-Gas Combination for SCI: Inert-gas
devices emphasizing xenon are the best for building up regenerative
energy in the spine (e.g., 46% xenon, 18% helium, 36% neon) Devices can
be obtained from a variety of sources (e.g.,
Inert-Gas Science: Intriguing mainstream
scientific studies are emerging documenting the neuroprotective
potential of inert gases, especially xenon. Although the studies do not
magnetically stimulate the gases (a key element of the inert-gas therapy
discussed above), the Earth’s magnetic field undoubtedly provides some
background stimulation of the inert gases all ready present to varying
degrees within our atmosphere. However, in xenon’s case, there is not
much of it in the atmospheric to stimulate (0.036 parts per million). In
contrast, the studies referenced below use 75% concentration of xenon,
which combined with the Earth’s ubiquitous magnetic field may exert a
substantial influence.
Xenon has been used as an anesthetic for over 50
years, although its use has been limited due to the cost of isolating
this rare gas. Unlike some other anesthetics, xenon has no neurological
side effects. Evidence indicates that xenon slows down neural
transmission through blocking NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate)
receptors on neurons, which regulate conduction-promoting flow of ions
in and out of the cell.
Basically, neurons communicate with each other
through various neurotransmitters, including the amino acid glutamate.
Nerve impulses trigger the release of glutamate from pre-synaptic
neurons (synapses are junctions through which neurons signal to each
other). The released glutamate binds to NMDA receptors on nearby
post-synaptic cells, promulgating the nerve impulse. Because glutamate
promotes conduction, it is called an excitatory amino acid. Xenon is a
NMDA antagonist that inhibits this conduction-promoting process. For
example, scientists have shown that high xenon concentrations reduce
NMDA-associated conduction by about 60%.
Although the neurotransmitter glutamate and it
post-synaptic NMDA receptor are routine components of nervous-system
physiology, over-activation can mediate damage after SCI and other
injuries or insults to the nervous-system. Basically, injured neurons
burst, releasing excitatory amino acids such as glutamate in toxic
concentrations. Through interactions with NMDA receptors on neighboring
cells, excessive glutamate initiates a neurotoxic biochemical cascade
that will further damage nearby neurons and axons.
Apparently by preventing excess glutamate from
interacting with its NMDA receptor, xenon exerts a neuroprotective
effect. This idea has been supported in a series of studies carried out
by Drs. Nicholas Franks, Mervyn Maze and colleagues (UK and other
countries) using various models of neurological injury.
In one study, the investigators injected a
damage-triggering excitatory amino acid into rats and measured the
amount of injury it created in a portion of the brain called the
hypothalamus. Xenon at 75% concentration greatly lessened injury.
In another recent study, the researchers studied
the effects of xenon and helium, a more prevalent inert gas, on another
model of traumatic brain injury. Specifically, cultured brain slices
from mice pups were subjected to a focused mechanical trauma, and then
cell injury monitored in the presence and absence of inert gases. The
investigators concluded “the inert gases helium and xenon are
surprisingly effective as neuroprotectants in an in vitro model
of traumatic brain injury… For xenon (at 75% atm), total injury was
reduced by a factor of two while secondary injury was reduced by more
that a factor of four.”
Although we always need to be careful in
over-extrapolating experimental results in animals to real-world
clinical settings, the researchers believe their findings can eventually
lead “to treatments for people suffering from nerve damaging illnesses,
such as strokes, and brain and spinal cord injuries.”
“We hope xenon could be developed as a novel
treatment. It is naturally occurring. And more importantly, its known
lack of toxicity makes it an attractive candidate as a neuroprotectant
in humans.”
“Ultimately, we hope xenon could become part of
standard medical treatment, with paramedics being able to administer it
… to stop ongoing nerve cell death.”